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Creek Restorations Hero

Creek Restorations

Various Years
 | Across BC

Rose Wall Creek - Comox BC

  • Implementing steep slope procedures to successfully place rip rap
  • Removed the geo hazard risk to the adjacent high pressure gas line.
  • Placed a total of 10,000 tons of riprap
Rosewall creek
Wilfred creek

Wilfred creek - Comox BC

  • Rerouting of creek
  • Complete and integrity investigation of the gas line.
  • Place 10,000 tons of rip rap to stabalize creek channel and ensure proper DOC of gas line

Mcnabb Creek - Sunshine Coast BC

  • Conduct integrity investigation of gas line
  • Utilize barge access for equipment and material transport.
  • Strategically placed 12,000 tons of riprap to stabilize the banks and creek bed


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